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IX International scientific conference “Modern problems of applied mathematics and information technologies Al-Khwarizmi 2024". 22-23 october. Tashkent.

  • uz
  • ru


Before the start of the conference, it is planned to publish a collection of abstracts that have been edited, written in English, meet the requirements and quality of the conference and have not been published before. Abstracts are accepted in LaTEX format according to the conference style. Abstracts should not exceed 1 page. Abstracts that do not meet the requirements will not be considered. You must be registered in the system before submitting abstracts. You can submit your work after registration.

After the conference closes, manuscripts of recommended abstracts will be accepted in LaTeX format of up to 10 pages (including images, tables, figures, and any other) until November 1, 2024.

Previously unpublished works (articles) recommended for publication by the program committee, which meet the requirements and quality of the conference, are recommended to be published in one of the following journals:

Indexable in the Scopus database

  • AIP Conference Proceedings;

  • Applied Mathematics & Information Science;


  • Bulletin of the National University of Uzbekistan: mathematics and natural sciences;

  • Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics;

  • Calculation and applied mathematics problems;

Abstracts and articles are required to be submitted through the online system. All work is checked for plagiarism. Work must be consistent with conference topics. The work presented must be original not published elsewhere it is necessary.

The presented abstracts and articles should be prepared in accordance with the style of the conference. The template of the materials (abstracts and articles) of the IX International Scientific Conference "Current Problems of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology" - Al-Khwarazmiy 2024 can be found here: Template.zip

For more information on editing click on the link below. Further information (LaTEX code)

All your work is a must (.tex file, image file,.pdf file) in one folder. Then this assembly .zip format and loaded into the system.

The thesis file name must include the names of the authors and the section in which the thesis is submitted, e.g. MatyakubovBobokandov_Sec2.

We ask that you do not use your e-mail address to send your thesis to someone else except your own when submitting your thesis.

*Note, the system provides additional time to identify and solve any problems before closing.